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In this type of construction the principal thermal insulation material is applied on top of the weatherproof covering so that the complete roof construction including roof covering is kept at warm temperatures during the winter months and at moderate temperatures during the summer months.



The advantages of the inverted roof reveal themselves when compared to any other flat roof solution. Because of the danger of condensation, the complex structural design, and the problematic breath-ability, the double shell cold roof, as a possible structural design solution for flat roofs, is not commonly used. Even though it provides a perfect solution, the straight layer order type of the single shell warm roof has a shorter life expectancy due to the water insulation’s exposure to weather and its implementation without mechanical protection in general, and in the case of failure it is also harder to find and repair the damage. The inverted flat roof answers all physical, implementation, and operational/usage problems by placing the thermal insulation above the water insulation. The temperature of the thermally insulated waterproofing membrane is roughly the same during the whole year, and in addition to the appropriate mechanical protection, the insulation also provides protection against UV radiation.





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Inverted Roofing


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